Te koop aangeboden: EMM Labs (ultra) high end DAC met volumeregeling.
Bijna willekeurig waarderend citaat uit een review:
"I`m not one to value unconventional bespoke designs just because they are unconventional. I`ve seen my share of "custom" designs that don`t pass the smell test and I`ve heard many off the shelf components sound very good over the years. The EMM Labs DV2 is in that rarest of categories featuring entirely bespoke and unconventional designs that truly deliver on the promise of high end audio, to further the state of the art. The DV2 is the best sounding product I`ve ever heard from EMM Labs and is equal to or better than any product I`ve ever heard in my reference system. In addition, when it comes to reproduction of transients that are a necessity for lifelike sound, the DV2 is without question the best DAC I`ve ever heard. Here`s to freedom, unconventionality, bespoke design, and the love of music."
Nieuwprijs 32.000 euro; een redelijk bod wordt in overweging genomen
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`Lichte gebruikssporen` aangegeven omdat het apparaat niet meer nieuw is, natuurlijk; maar ik kan geen beschadigingen o.i.d. vinden.