(ingezonden mededeling)
Website Last.fm heeft de volgende stap aangekondigd in de samenwerking met Logitech. Deze volgende stap houdt onder andere in dat gebruikers gratis gebruik kunnen maken van de gepersonaliseerde ‘gestreamde’ muziek van het Last.fm netwerk overal in huis. Eerder dit jaar werd al bekend gemaakt dat de Squeezebox van Logitech gebruik maakt van Last.fm’s scrobbling functies.
Hieronder het volledig Engelstalige persbericht:
New York/London, 9th June 2008 – Last.fm today announced the next step in its collaboration with Logitech which will enable users of Logitech® Squeezebox™ network music systems to access Last.fm’s personalized streaming music experience anywhere in their home, for free. This arrangement builds on the existing relationship between Last.fm and Logitech, announced earlier this year, which brought Last.fm’s scrobbling capability to the Logitech Squeezebox systems.
Starting today, music fans using the Logitech® Squeezebox™ Duet, Logitech® Squeezebox™ Classic or the Logitech® Transporter™ network music systems will be able to access Last.fm’s music catalogue – the largest streaming music catalogue available online – through their home stereo systems. This will allow users to listen to a stations based on artists or genres on their home stereos, while also allowing them to use Last.fm’s personalized recommendation stations, which are based on users’ listening habits.
Martin Stiksel, Last.fm co-founder, said: “It’s something of a milestone to be offering the Last.fm streaming music experience for the first time on a hardware device, and we’re pleased to be reaching that milestone with Logitech. Last.fm is now no longer limited to your computer, and this marks another step toward giving music fans access to Last.fm’s unparalleled music services anywhere and everywhere they go.”
“Logitech is pleased to be the first hardware partner of Last.fm, world`s largest social music platform with over 21 million active users,” said Robin Selden, vice president of the Logitech Streaming Media business unit. “Now users can create custom radio stations and playlists from any of the audio tracks in Last.fm`s music library and thanks to Logitech’s network music systems, people can enjoy that music anywhere in their home.”
The new Last.fm music service is available beginning today in the United States, United Kingdom and Germany. The Logitech Squeezebox Duet network music system is available worldwide for a suggested retail price of $399.99 (U.S.). The Logitech Squeezebox Classic network music player is available worldwide for a suggested retail price of $299.99 (U.S.). The Logitech Transporter network music player is available now for a suggested retail price of $1999.99 (U.S.).