Audio Note Oto SE Phono Signature in NIEUWSTAAT

652 x bekeken | geplaatst op 19 november 2024

€ 4.495,-


Merk Audio Note
Categorie Stereo versterker
Type Oto
Conditie Als nieuw
Bouwjaar 2023
Geplaatst op 19-11-2024


Jong exemplaar (2023). Helemaal de Audio Note sound (rijk, live), maar nog opener en dynamischer dan zijn voorganger met meer definitie. Lijkt volgens een aantal mensen zelfs op de legendarische Ongaku...?

De OTO Signature bevat AudioNote copper foil condensatoren en Tantalium weerstanden op belangrijke plekken. En het belangrijkste: de M4 IE uitgangstransformatoren zijn vervangen door serieuze IHiB dubbele C-kern trafo`s (zowel beter materiaal als ontwerp).

De Oto SE geïntegreerde versterker maakt gebruikt van EL84 buizen in parallel single ended configuratie, produceert een vermogen van 10 watt en is inclusief phonotrap.

Zoals je zou verwachten van een goede single ended versterker, is het geluid pittig en dynamisch, terwijl het nog steeds erg natuurlijk en expansief klinkt.



“What I can already tell is that Audio Note OTO Phono SE Signature is the most accomplished amplifier I’ve heard to this moment. It has its very own humane signature which makes the musical flow feels right – nothing is augmented and nothing is diminished, every single tone is in a perfect balance with its harmonics and in proportion with the whole.”

Positive Feedback:

“As much as I have enjoyed my Leben CS-600 integrated amplifier in my audio-visual system as a long-term reference, the Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE Signature integrated amplifier is at another level in performance with the Altec A5s, and the fact that the Oto has a high-quality phono stage built into its chassis makes it even more appealing for those moments when I want to spin a little vinyl in my system.”

“The Oto sounded smooth, silky, natural, dimensional, and very emotionally involving, with my Altec A5s”

“The Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE Signature integrated amplifier did an excellent job of capturing the time, feeling, softer dynamics, and lower volumes of Jim and Red`s performances at Sweet Basil, and presenting it as thoroughly enjoyable musical performances.

The ability of the Oto to portray the natural timbral qualities of Jim`s guitar and Red`s 200 year old bass was excellent, and the resolution was such that I could hear all the nuances of Jim and Red`s articulate guitar and bass playing in a very live-like and satisfying way. “